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COVID-19 update

Updated: Apr 13, 2020

To ensure the health and safety of our patients and staff, and to help prevent the further spread of the coronavirus, multiple measures have been put in place at CVIC:

When possible, our patients are consulted over the phone, rather than in person with all follow up done via email (scripts, referrals etc.)

If your condition requires an in-person consultation, a very strict process has been put in place:

1. Our reception staff will call you when you are ready to be seen. This will allow you to wait in your car instead of in the waiting room, which helps reduce your exposure to other patients

2. When you are called up to the clinic, we ask that you sanitise your hands and wear a face mask which will be provided to you out the front of the clinic. Our team also wears face masks, gloves and gowns at all times. Please note, only our medical team is still on-site, reception staff now work remotely

3. During the consultation, ample airflow is ensured in the room. We are lucky to have consulting rooms with access to a big balcony area and prop the door open for each consult

4. Post consult follow up is done via email (referrals, scripts etc)

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call the clinic on 03 4432 7575


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